Automating deployment process plays a big role in your development. In this post I will show you how to launch an EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instance on Amazon Web Services, setup a systemd service for out Spring Boot application and automate deployment procces with GitLab.
Spring Boot RESTful Web Service
I’ve already created a simple Spring Boot application with a couple of endpoints (shown bellow). The app has 2 entities: Console
and Game
, where each Console has multiple Games, and one Game is only for one Console. I’m using H2
in-memory databse, but that can easily be sustituted by any other database management system.
In the application.yml
file, I’ve configured a server port to 8081
. this is important to know for later.
server.port: 8081
spring: spring-aws-gitlab
output.ansi.enabled: always
url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
username: sa
password: password
enabled: true
path: /h2
Amazon Web Services
Launcing an EC2 instance
Launcing an EC2 instance is really easy. I will be creating a t2.micro
instance with 8 GiB of storage running Ubuntu 18.04
. Here are the steps to follow.
Step 1: Choose Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS. You can really choose what ever you want here.
Step 2: Choose the t2.micro instance type. It is eligible for free tier of AWS so it is great for learning and testing purposes.
Step 3: I will be leaving everything as default.
Step 4: I will choose 8 GiB of storage, which is default value.
Step 5: I will not be adding any tags. You can skip that as well.
Step 6: The most important step. In short, you define what IP addresses can access an instance on which port. In my example I configured that anyone can SSH into the instance. This is not recommended (see the AWS message). You should really setup the security based on your need and use case. This setup is only for demonstration purposes.
Sice our app will be running on port 8081, we will add an inbout rule with type Custom TCP
on port 8081 to Anywhere
. This way, our app can be accessed from any IP. Be careful how you setup the security for you applications. Never use the Anywhere source.
Finally, we get an option to generate a key for our instance. With this key, we will be able to use SSH. Be sure to download the key and store it somewhere safe. You will not
be able to download it again.
And you are done. The instance should start automatically.
Once our instance is running, we can connect to it. I will be using the terminal but you can use PuTTY as well. Locate where you’ve downloaded and stored the key from AWS. In the instance page click Connect
and follow the steps listed under SSH
Installing JDK
Since we will be running a Java Spring Boot application, we need to install Java. I will be using JDK 8.
systemd service
I will be running the application as a service on my Linux instance. In order to do this, I first need to know where my .jar
file will be located and what will the file be named.
In the pom.xml
file, I’ve defined the generated jar name
pom.xml (part)
Next, I will create a directory called console-app
in my home directory
The purpose of this direcory is to serve a jar file. This file will be pointed in our .service
Description=REST Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /home/ubuntu/console-app/consoleapp.jar
After you’ve created the service file, copy it to the appropriate location.
Next, you need to reload systemd manager configuration with a following command.
Optionally, if you want your service to run at boot (the Spring Boot app will start when the instance turns on), tun the following command:
GitLab Ci/CD
If you haven’t already, push your Spring Boot app to a GitLab repository. Next, navigate to Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables. You will need to define two variables: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
will be the contents for the .pem key file downloaded from AWS; and DEPLOY_SERVER_IP
which is a public IPv4 address of your running EC2 instance.
Note: The variables can be called how ever you like, but must be changed accordingly in .gitlab-ci.yml file.
.gitlab-ci.yml script
It is time to create a .gitlab-ci.yml
file that will instruct a GitLab runner how to build and deploy our app. The pipeline consists of two stages: build
and deploy
The build stage is using Docker executor with image maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim
to run a command mvn clean install
to create a jer file. The artifact is saved under target
directory and will last for 1 week
. Also, this job will run only on master
The deploy stage is stopping
the consoleapp service, copying the generated jar file from previous job to the console-app
directory and then starting
the service. Before that, the script runs the agent in background and adds the SSH key. Also, it adds the server’s public IP address to a list of known hosts.
- build
- deploy
stage: build
image: maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim
- echo "Building app..."
- mvn clean install
- echo "Finished building the app."
expire_in: 1 week
- target/consoleapp.jar
- master
stage: deploy
image: alpine:3.11
- apk update && apk add openssh-client bash
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
- touch ~/.ssh/config
- echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
- ssh-keyscan -H $DEPLOY_SERVER_IP >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- echo "Deploying started..."
- ssh ubuntu@$DEPLOY_SERVER_IP "sudo systemctl stop consoleapp.service"
- scp ./target/consoleapp.jar ubuntu@$DEPLOY_SERVER_IP:~/console-app/
- ssh ubuntu@$DEPLOY_SERVER_IP "sudo systemctl start consoleapp.service"
- echo "Finished deploying the app."
- master
You can inspect and follow the pipeline as it is running.
Navigate to the public IP and hit any endpoint.
Congratulations, you have successfully deployed a Spring Boot appliication to EC2 with GitLab :)
You can check the consoleapp service by running:
Source code
Source code can be found on GitLab
GitLab provides one of the best tools for complete development lifecycle. In combination with AWS, the whole deployment process can be easily automated in just minutes!
The most important thing to remember is to setup the security rules well. One of the examples is to allow the backend port to be accessed only by the frontend IP address.