{% pdf "https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/xhtml/testfiles/resources/pdf/dummy.pdf" %}
{% pdf "/files/loremipsum.pdf" %}
{% pdf "https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/xhtml/testfiles/resources/pdf/dummy.pdf" no_link %}
{% pdf "/files/loremipsum.pdf" no_link %}
pdf_remote: "https://www.eesd2020.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/dummy.pdf"
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_remote }} %}
pdf_local: "/files/loremipsum.pdf"
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_local }} %}
pdf_remote: "https://www.eesd2020.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/dummy.pdf"
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_remote }} no_link %}
pdf_local: "/files/loremipsum.pdf"
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_local }} no_link %}
{% pdf "https://mihajlonesic.gitlab.io/files/sample.pptx" %}
NOTE: this will not work in local development, because the file needs to be available remotely in order to work. In other words, when the Jekyll site is deployed (GitHub, GitLab, AWS, Heroku, …) it will work.
{% pdf "/files/sample.pptx" %}
{% pdf "https://mihajlonesic.gitlab.io/files/sample.pptx" no_link %}
NOTE: this will not work in local development, because the file needs to be available remotely in order to work. In other words, when the Jekyll site is deployed (GitHub, GitLab, AWS, Heroku, …) it will work.
{% pdf "/files/sample.pptx" no_link %}
pres_remote: "https://mihajlonesic.gitlab.io/files/sample.pptx"
{% pdf {{ page.pres_remote }} %}
NOTE: this will not work in local development, because the file needs to be available remotely in order to work. In other words, when the Jekyll site is deployed (GitHub, GitLab, AWS, Heroku, …) it will work.
pres_local: "/files/sample.pptx"
{% pdf {{ page.pres_local }} %}
pres_remote: "https://mihajlonesic.gitlab.io/files/sample.pptx"
{% pdf {{ page.pres_remote }} no_link %}
NOTE: this will not work in local development, because the file needs to be available remotely in order to work. In other words, when the Jekyll site is deployed (GitHub, GitLab, AWS, Heroku, …) it will work.
pres_local: "/files/sample.pptx"
{% pdf {{ page.pres_local }} no_link %}
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_local }} width=50% height=774px no_link %}
{% pdf {{ page.pdf_local }} height=1000px %}